EWC Academy - Academy for European Works Councils and SE Works Councils

17th Hamburg Conference for European and SE works councils

Start: Monday, 27 January 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
End:   Tuesday, 28 January 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Our programme will follow.




Organisational matters

Programme with registration will follow

Conference fee:
1,595.- €
plus VAT
The fee includes the participation, catering during the conference, our social event as well as simultaneous interpretation (German – English, further languages on request).

Conference venue at Harbour Hotel Hamburg: 
167.- €
per night including breakfast and VAT

The waterfront Harbour Hotel Hamburg directly overlooks the St. Pauli Piers and will impress us during the seminar with its stunning views over the port and the river Elbe. The rooms reserved for us are located in the hotel's new building in the "Cabin Residence" and offer a modern design with functional comfort.

Social event on Monday evening will follow.






   EWC Academy GmbH - Rödingsmarkt 52 - 20459 Hamburg - Germany

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